Mikrotik Management
To add Mikrotik device use the following script - change customer/firewall name with your company name and /firewall name.
:local username "customer/firewallname";
/tool fetch mode=https url="https://v.inpadi.dk/Mikrotik\?routerID=$username&newClient=yes" output=file dst-path="enable-inpadi.rsc";
import file-name=enable-inpadi.rsc;
Some Mikrotik routers have a issue using above script - you can get the script and paste it into the firewall by using this url:
Current script support:
.que files are executed as normal scripts and command output is placed in DoneJob like normal clients.
.db schedules are handled as expected.
In script features:
JobID= The job id / name of the executed script.
ClientFile= same as computers - a file in the client folder in GMS or in the _Software folder.